
A restless ramble about writing

After we graduate from shedra we serve the lineage for three years.  This is my third year.  I haven’t started teaching the texts I’ve been assigned, so I have some time to get ready (thank Buddha!).  Last year I was asked to teach Uttaratantra.  Something I found phenomenally useful  was listening to and transcribing Khen… Continue reading A restless ramble about writing


Westerners in shedra – where are you guys?

Here is something that I’ve been thinking about lately:  There are no other international students studying in our shedra program.  (shedra, for those of you just tuning in, is what we call our college of Buddhist philosophy)  Usually, every year or so, I get a query about studying here at Namdroling.  Not this year.  Nonetheless,… Continue reading Westerners in shedra – where are you guys?