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Overheard in English Class

Teacher: Repeat after me: May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. Students: May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the classes of suffering. Teacher:  You want to be free from the classes of suffering?  Fine, you may leave. 

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Howarts vs. Namdroling Monastery

Hogwarts is a castle. Namdroling is comprised of a few dozen buildings, centered around four temples – which are somewhat castle-like. Hogwarts is divided into Houses. Namdroling’s charter forbids the formation of organizations based on race, views, because these could lead to schisms in the Sangha… like the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Hogwarts has… Continue reading Howarts vs. Namdroling Monastery

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Why my class shouldn’t be trusted with butter lamps

When we complete the study of a text we make offerings to the three jewels and to our teacher.  Yesterday we lit 108 butter lamps in our classroom. These lamps were special because half of them were filled not from the semi-solid butter substitute we usually use, but with regular cooking oil.  From the moment… Continue reading Why my class shouldn’t be trusted with butter lamps

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You are a Westerner who has been living in a Tibetan community in India too long if:

you have yama (sinitus) you do the head wobble thing you start sentences with “We Tibetans…” you start sentences with “Those Injees…” you speak Tibetan to Indians and Hindi to Tibetans you don’t know the word in Tibetan you say it in Hindi you say “shit” (in English) every time you drop something you don’t… Continue reading You are a Westerner who has been living in a Tibetan community in India too long if: