
Looking West

It’s back to school time for my friends in college in Western countries. I hope, by this time next year, to be one of them. It is a big step for me to mention this online. I have felt longings to further my studies in the West many times during my shedra career. When I… Continue reading Looking West


A restless ramble about writing

After we graduate from shedra we serve the lineage for three years.  This is my third year.  I haven’t started teaching the texts I’ve been assigned, so I have some time to get ready (thank Buddha!).  Last year I was asked to teach Uttaratantra.  Something I found phenomenally useful  was listening to and transcribing Khen… Continue reading A restless ramble about writing


Study, practice, and my eighth year.

While posting photos is something I intend to continue with, I thought I had better write a little something.  Back in December I managed to get through yet another year’s final exams.  It was, as always, a huge challenge and probably my most productive time of year.  My subjects this year were: Key to the… Continue reading Study, practice, and my eighth year.